Monday, May 5, 2008

Final Destination ! !

Once upon a time, there were two friends Jack and Jill. They didnt go up the hill. But they were going on vacation. They have started on their bikes. After travelling for some distance, there is a Diversion. Good thing is that both of them will lead to their destination. They didnt knew which route to take. Jack has no plans to change his planned travel. But Jill would like to take the diversion. The diversion is shorter in distance than the other route. So Jill made up his mind and decided to take the diversion. Both of them continued their journey but in different routes. Jill noticed a warning sign as soon as he took the diversion. But he didnt bother. Should he feel lucky that he could reach the destination quicker than expected.

You will be able to answer if you know that the destination is death in the journey called life. Jill saw this warning sign when he took the diversion "Smoking is injurious to Health". Jill could not take a call any more. Jack is still enjoying his journey. I have changed my mind and my route. Now its your turn, if you have taken the diversion.


  1. Hey, Have you started smoking again...?

  2. after seeing ananth comment i want to ask u when did u stop smoking?

  3. Isnt that jill supposed to be a female??? anyways... remember that diversioned route will be always thrilling as that makes life as an intrstng piece ;)

    i liked shaksti's comment ra :)

  4. Blog is good but i don't agree with the comments that is against the smoking.

    You are aware that "Smoking is injurious to Health" Before starting smoking and while smoking and also after leaving smoking...infact everytime you know that it is not good but still once you liked it man. And I don't agree to forget the thing which you were loving once upon a time. It may be a stone or paper or girl or animal !!!!!!

    It is not a final destination !!!
